Lonely together togethering — an installation by Karen Vantvelt

Lonely together togethering — an installation by Karen Vantvelt

— how to get P. out of the house ? SPOOR resident Karen Vantvelt invites you to Trix's garden.

over the past months, weeks and days, hours, moments,
i have been wondering (and i still do)

— how to get P. out of the house ?

do you feel lonely / emty (sometimes)?
or do you know someone who feels lonely?
welcome to share thoughts / feelings / emotions / 
stories / words / situations / ideas / objects / visuals /
sounds / smells / moves / (unheard) voices / ... (?)
(related to, or reflecting on ?)
(not necessarily)

— how to get someone out of the house ?
to bring loneliness, solitude, eomtiness

In the garden of Trix
free entrance

we will provide some food and drinks (finished is finished)
(a contribution is welcome but don't let it stop you from coming)
we would love to see you there
