Toundra is a band from Madrid, Spain with an entirely instrumental sound where guitars, bass and drums take on the entire role.

- 19u30: doors open
- 20u15: Grimmsons
- 21u15: Toundra

For this concert a limited number of Gate15 cultural vouchers (for Antwerp students) will be accepted. Send us at least two working days before the day of the concert a request for reservation by mail. After the devaluation of your voucher you will receive the Trix concert ticket.

For fans of

Russian Circles, Pelican, Red Sparowes, Long Distance Calling, Caspian, pg.lost


Playing instrumental post-rock in Spain might not be the most obvious career choice, but Toundra has pulled it off. Formed in Madrid in 2007, they've come up through the tried-and-true method of hard work, working hard and then working even harder. Of course, it's all for naught if the quality isn't there to begin with, but that's where Toundra shines the most - creating a rich, sonic realm that their listeners want to revisit time and time again.

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Grimmsons b