Pruillip!/addtickets / B O I


Heavy, slow-burning guitars as you heard them at WE ARE OPEN 23.

/ 19u30: doors
/ 08.15 pm - 08.45 pm: B O I
/ 09.15 pm - 10.30 pm: Pruillip

For fans of

Earth / Boris / Weedeater


They may only be a duo, but that fact reflects little in their music. Pruillip consists of Annelies Van Dinter and Louis Evrard. Their story began with an invitation to perform at De Nor by Dennis Tyfus. Their sonic identity can be described as a blend of heavy, slow-burning, guitar-driven rock music infused with ethereal vocals. When listening to their lengthy, repetitive tracks, it's almost instinctive to start headbanging. Their live session at WE ARE OPEN 23 beautifully showcases the sheer quality with which Pruillip delivers their music. It also underscores the untapped potential that the group possesses. Are you a fan of robust guitars? Then catching a Pruillip performance is an absolute must.

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B O I is a new Antwerp based band formed by songwriter Indra Aubroeck
(vocals, guitars). This all female queer outfit further consists of Chloë
Maes (Statue, Stef Kamil Carlens) on guitars and keys, Marieke
Hutsebaut (The Spectors) on bass and backing vocals and Caia Croes on
drums and electronics.

Captivating lyrics mixed with mesmerizing instruments form the base/
serve as the foundation of B O I’s music. Drenched in a grungy sauce, B
O I makes catchy pop songs with a twist.

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