Here is Nemo's statement:
"Hello Loves
It is with a heavy heart that I announce the rescheduling of my Europe Tour this year. The dates have moved to late October to December.
I know how much all of you looked forward to this in the Spring and because you know me, you know how much meeting you and performing for you means to me. I understand that this news might be a disappointment, and I want to apologize for any inconvenience this causes you. I had a very important personal realization last year: Great things take time. And if I don’t make it my priority to make enough time for new music, it won’t have a chance to be great. In the whirlwind of post Eurovision, I had only about three accumulated weeks of time to write & produce new songs last year, which is far from enough to make the album I dream about.
I’ve been working on this record for a couple of weeks now and I’ve grown really confident in this decision.
It allows me to devote the next few months just to the music and the world I have started creating & falling in love with. A world I know you will fall in love with too.
I want to create the best body of work I have ever made, and then when that’s done, I want to go absolutely nuts to it with you on tour.
I‘m so grateful for your patience and understanding - With a big hug from the studio in the meantime,
See you very soon
- Nemo"
Nemo, who was born in 1999 in Switzerland, has been playing violin, piano and drums since childhood. At the age of thirteen, they even played a role in the well-known hit musical 'Ich war noch niemals in New York'. In 2016, Nemo became famous as a rapper overnight with a performance on SRF Virus (#Cypher), which went viral on social media. No fewer than seven singles from their two first EPs reached the official Swiss charts directly. And at the age of 18, Nemo had already been awarded five Swiss Music Awards.
2020 marks the beginning of a new era: Nemo starts writing and producing for other artists, takes the first steps beyond Swiss borders and releases songs in English. Nemo likes to include themes such as gender identity, mental health and finding your place in this world in their lyrics and radically follows their intuition and emotions. That is why their uniqueness will continue to surprise and inspire us again and again. Step into the wonderful world of Nemo!