After a first succesful series in February 2021, Leen Diependaele of Samowar this time invites Mauro Pawlowski (9/8), Johannes VerschaeveBert Ostyn (16/8), Aili (23/8) and Bert Ostyn (30/8) to her rehearsal room at Trix.
You can experience the result of their day together in the evening during Monday Muse, this time live in our Trix Café!
Mauro Pawlowski be
MAURO PAWLOWSKI is what one might call ‘rock royalty’. He has been of the key figures in the Belgian contemporary music scene ever since he started his career as front man of notorious cult band Evil Superstars in 1992. The insatiable Mauro was a dEUS member for years but he was also the driving force behind countless other musical projects, and alter egos. He had a hand in over 100 records, and counting, from avant garde noise to calypso.