Track EAST

 Track EAST

At Track EAST, young people can get a taste of rap, singing, lyrics and much more in a super relaxed way. You will be taken on a wild adventure full of coaching sessions and workshops, and discover together with the coaches where your passions and talents lie.

There are many opportunities: you will receive targeted coaching from experienced artists, we will dive into the studio, there are open mics where you will gain stage experience and push your boundaries, we will organize fun group activities and you will get a real photo shoot! At the end of the program, you will show the world what you have learned.

Are you already a bit more experienced? Do you already have your own track ready? Then you can also join from September: less coaching, but we will prepare you for the stage in four sessions with a photo shoot, a masterclass, studio sessions and a showcase!

Track EAST is a talent development program organized by Fameus, JES, Trix and Rataplan with the support of the City of Antwerp and the Borgerhout district.

For whom? Young people with a passion for music (making) between 14 and 26 years old.

Where & when?
- Kick off: on April 5 from 7:30 PM in Rataplan. With open mic!
- Coaching sessions & workshops: every Wednesday evening between April 16 and June 4 + between September 10 and October 1 in Trix
- Open mics: June 21 Borgerrio / July 13 Trix / August 17 Fameus
- Dress rehearsal: October 8 in Rataplan
- Show moment: October 11 in Rataplan

- Jazz Sanusi (vocals)
- Deadbeat Larry (rap)
- Cloos (studio)

Curious? Then come to the Track East Kick Off in Rataplan on April 5 from 7:30 PM. Come and experience the atmosphere or grab the microphone yourself! Want to participate in the open mic? Register via!

After the kick-off you can register for the full Track EAST trajectory.