SPOOR series: Talk + Drink & Draw

The SPOOR series are a monthly exchange and collaboration between visual artists and residents from Atelier SPOOR. Looking for inspiration, ideas, and creative output around all things 2D media and print? Then you’ve come to the right place.
Once a month, one of our SPOOR residents curates a talk where they present their work and engage in conversation with another visual artist. Afterward, there’s a Drink & Draw, where you can get creative in a drawing session—while enjoying a drink, of course!
The SPOOR series are free, and no registration is required. Just drop by! Bring your own paper and drawing materials!
On April 3, Bram van Bree kicks off the series together with textile designer Liesbeth Plettinckx.
More info about SPOOR series #1.
/ Upcoming SPOOR Series:
01.05 #2 Salah Van Puymbroeck / TBA
05.06 #3 Badtime / TBA
04.09 #4 Maxim Van Cauwenberge & Ellen Vangheluwe / TBA
02.10 #5 Céline Mannens / TBA
06.11 #6 Chiara Di Luca / TBA
04.12 #7 Thomas Peeters / TBA