The electrifying duo Kaito Kai, formed by Kaito Winse (Avalanche Kaito) and Kai Hugo (Palmbomen II), was born from a wild, late-night, and entirely spontaneous improvisation session at Het Bos. In 2025, the band will bring their immersive energy and new music to Trix during We Are Open!
The sound of Kaito Kai? Global acid house blended with Italo and percussive rhythms, combined with unconventional vocals. Or, in other words, Underground Resistance meets Kokoko! And if that doesn’t convince you, their live reputation surely will. Every show is unique, hypnotic, and, above all, incredibly fun. They proved this earlier in 2024 at Amsterdam’s Lentekabinet festival.
Looking for underground electronic beats and a wild, experimental live show? Look no further—Kaito Kai is the way to go!